Linda is a small town Iowan who wants to share her story. Her twin brother, Larry, has dementia. As his caregiver, she takes pride in helping her brother, but it is not without its challenges. She washes his laundry...
Layout A (3 columns)
Layout C (3 columns)
Dennis’ story | American Rescue Plan
Dennis is a small business owner and is thankful President Biden is looking out for working families! Watch how Biden’s Rescue Plan helped him and his husband pay the bills and staff at their small business here.
Gary’s story | American Rescue Plan
Gary shares his health journey and the impact Biden’s Rescue Plan had on his life.
Nadia’s story | Child Tax Credits
Nadia shares how President Biden’s programs, including the Rescue Plan, helped her family.
Melanie’s story | 13 Years of the ACA
Melanie explains her experience with the ACA after 13 years.
Pat’s editorial | Freedom is on the line in America
Americans value our freedoms – our freedom to elect leaders who respect our will, protect our interests and govern in our name. Now, a grand jury of everyday Floridians across race, background, and party issued a...